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Comprehensive A/C Maintenance in
Llano, CA

AC Maintenance Service Llano technician carries tool products and all heart mascot image

Are you wondering what’s included in your maintenance agreement or what your contractor does during the maintenance visits?

Professional technicians provide complete system checks, which means all parts in your system are inspected and evaluated to prevent potential damages.

If you want your system to work in peak condition by having all its parts properly serviced, call All Heart Heating & Cooling. We provide top-quality A/C maintenance in Llano, CA and the nearby areas.

What does a Contractor Do During the A/C Maintenance Visit?

You can choose to get a complete inspection of your air conditioning system, but here are the most common things your technician does during the maintenance visit:

Recalibrate the Thermostat

Your technician doing the A/C maintenance in Llano, CA will check your thermostat and make sure it is properly adjusted for the season. They will set the most efficient temperature setting based on your needs. The battery and age of your device will be checked to know if a replacement is needed. If you need a new thermostat, your technician should be able to find the perfect installation spot for better temperature reading.

Inspect and Tighten Electrical Connections

Your air conditioner has electrical systems that need regular service. This is a job you should leave the hand of the experts. Your technician will check and tighten loose wires to avoid potential safety threats. Maintenance also helps extend the life of your air conditioner.

Lubricate Moving Parts

Your air conditioner is expected to work continuously during the hottest days of the summer. Proper lubrication of its moving parts ensures smooth operation during extensive use. Without lubrication, the moving parts may break down easily due to friction, resulting in frequent repair or replacement.

Check System Controls

If the system controls are not working properly, frequent cycling may occur. Your technician will check if your system is starting and shutting off correctly to ensure your air conditioner operates at a proper pace.

Inspect the Condensate Drain Line

A properly working condensate drain line is essential for the drainage of water. If this part is clogged, water may leak and cause moisture issues. Your technician can check and clean the condensate drain line to eliminate clogs and mold and repair any leaks around it.

Check the Refrigerant

Refrigerant plays a vital in keeping your system working properly. However, it can cause safety hazards when it leaks and is not addressed right away. As part of A/C maintenance, your technician can check the refrigerant line for cracks and recharge it when needed.

These are just a few of the common maintenance tasks any technician can do. But if you wish to sign up for a general system inspection, then there’s no problem with that. Your HVAC contractor can help design a program that fits your needs and budget.

Call the Experts for Quality A/C Maintenance

You could never underestimate the benefits that proper maintenance could give to your system and your comfort. With the complete inspection of your unit’s vital parts, your system is expected to work efficiently, and your home stays cool all summer long. For all your A/C maintenance needs, count on the experts.

Call All Heart Heating & Cooling to learn more about our A/C maintenance service in Llano, CA. Dial 661-310-3747 today.